His name is
- Alex Rostozzi.

Alex Rostozzi was a young boy when he started to make his first memorial key chains. His grandfather had passed away, and Alex loved him very much. So in memory of him, Alex scratched the date of death on a copper plate with a rusty nail. He hung the keys to his house on this plate and it became the first memorial keychain. As years passed by, Alex grew up and created his studio where he creates pieces to commemorate events and loved ones.

We are all different. Each of us has a story and Alex Rostozzi is a man who believes that everyone deserves to be remembered. Alex Rostozzi is a man of few words. He doesn’t need to speak to communicate, as he has mastered the art of storytelling through his work.

Alex Rostozzi’s studio is a peaceful place, in which he creates pieces to commemorate events and loved ones. He loves the satisfaction of watching someone’s eyes light up when they see the art that tells their story.

I was always told that the best kind of magic comes from memories. In time, one’s memories come to life as physical forms and they make everything around you brighter. It is a beautiful thing really… Life affirming even.

The Rostozzi Art Studio produces the most bewitching memory bracelets. Each item imbued with their own unique story or memory which makes them radiate an almost celestial glow.